Tenant Information
Managing your tenancy agreement should be a straightforward and simple process. We have developed a Guide which we hope will assist you in getting comfortable in your new home and throughout the life of your tenancy. The following information will assist you in working with Prime Rentals and assist in a trouble-free tenancy.
Office Hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Ph 07 928-2870 Outside office hours and on weekends by appointment.
Terms and conditions of renting
Rent Payable weekly or fortnightly by direct bank Debt payment from your account to our Trust Account. We complete this Authority with you to ensure our coding is included. In the case of joint tenancies only one authority will be accepted.
Bond Equivalent to 4 weeks rent or Bond Assist Option www.bondassist.co.nz . This is lodged with Tenancy Services Trust Account and you will receive a written acknowledgement of the lodgement. Bond is refunded at the end of a tenancy subject to any deductions.
Letting fee This is payable by the tenant at the time of confirmation of Tenancy which is usually at time of signing the tenancy agreement as set down in the Residential Tenancies Act. ( equivalent to 1 week rent+gst)
Tenancy application You will be expected to give personal details which will authorise us to carry out a credit check, verify references for previous tenancies/landlords, gain proof of income and do tenancy database checks. IT IS IMPORTANT to encourage you NOT to apply if you know you have a bad credit report or have been evicted from a property unless this can be explained satisfactorily. Can be completed on line, printed off or in office.
Advance on Property When a holding fee is paid for a property this amount is held as a credit against our letting fee. In the event any of the checks carried out are unsatisfactory - or you withdraw your application - no refund can be made. However should the landlord withdraw the property before a tenancy agreement is signed, a full refund will be given.
Rental term By negotaition depending on property
Boards The landlord reserves the right to erect 'let by' signs for a short time at the start of any new tenancy for marketing purposes. Similarly, when the tenant gives notice or nears the end of a lease the agent has the right to erect 'for rent/lease' signs on the property
Possession Will be granted on the date of commencement of the tenancy providing all criteria are met - ie tenants have signed the agreement and all outstanding monies have been paid to Prime Rentals Ltd.
Credit Check Please be aware that we perform a credit check on all tenants who wish to let a property through our agency, if you are unsure of your credit status we suggest checking your personal credit file for free from Baycorp Advantage an application form can be downloaded from www.mycreditfile.co.nz
Non-management rentals Where Prime Rentals Ltd are not responsible for management of a property the landlord will sign the bond form and any balance of monies less any deductions will be forwarded to the landlord. You will be supplied with contact numbers for the landlord in order to report any maintenance issues or give notice when you wish to eventually vacate the property subject to any lease agreement.
Time scale A minimum of 5 working days is required before moving in (subject to receipt of satisfactory references and availability of the property) - keep this time scale in mind.
Preference In a fast moving rental market the first party to complete all requirements of the application (written references, credit check, advance payments) will be considered as a potential tenant, despite any verbal communications during previous viewings with any party.
Restrictions Can be imposed by a landlord regarding smokers, pets, sharers. If a pet is to enter a property the bond will reflect the size/species. Applications always must be over the age of 18 years.
Taking care of your new homeOnce you have gained possession of a property the tenancy responsibility rests with you. A property inspection report needs to be verified within 5 days of the start of the tenancy and forms part of the tenancy agreement agreeing the state of the property at the start of the tenancy. Maintenance issues or utility faults need to be reported to the landlord.
Informing utility companies When you sign the tenancy agreement electricity/gas, telephone/rubbish removal/lawn contractors must be contacted registering you as the new tenant. You also need to arrange for readings to be done prior to taking up residence.
Trustpower 0800 878787,Telecom 123, TelstraClear 0508 888 800,Genesis 0800 436 3747.
Water Meters If a property has its own water meter the tenant is required to pay for water used. Readings will be verified at the start of the tenancy. The meter box is usually at the front gate beside the house or in the garden area in front of the house. You can lift the lid of the meter box by using a screwdriver to read the meter. Remember every cu.m costs.
Periodic inspectionsOur office will complete regular inspections of the property and advise you by email, letter or phone call of the date and time of any inspection, keeping in mind the required notice of min 48 hours. Inspections are made to keep a check on the propertys maintenance requirements as your tenancy progresses. We welcome your advice on anything needing attention by phoning the office (24 hr answerphone service).
Keys A duplicate set of keys is retained by Prime Rentals Ltd for emergency access. Locks may only be changed with written permission from Prime Rentals Ltd and on the strict understanding that you supply us with a spare set of keys. Remember it is in your best interests to ensure we have direct access to your property.
Insurance We strongly urge you to take out contents insurance for loss, damage or theft. Also tenants are advised to ensure they have third party insurance to cover chattels and contents.
Repairs and Maintenance All repairs are to be notified in writing using the repair request form in your tenancy folder. Requests may also be registered online using our website and clicking on the repair request form. Only emergency repairs will be accepted verbally on our 24 hour answerphone service. Repairs are generally attended to promptly but it is often necessary to obtain the owners approval and sometimes quotes must be obtained prior to any work progressing. We provide our tradespeople with your contact phone in order to gain entry and if entry is denied, you will be charged for the service call. Upkeep of grounds and lawns is your responsibility as the tenant. Also your responsibility is to dispose of excess paper, rubbish, bottles, cars, etc on the property.
Your tenancy folder Upon signing the tenancy agreement Prime Rentals Ltd will hand you a 'welcome' folder. You need to read the valuable information carefully and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
Inventory A full report can be provided by the landlord listing the property contents and condition of the property. As a prospective tenant you have a window of opportunity to comment on the document and return the enclosed form within 5 days. We advise all tenants to thoroughly check this out and return to our office.
Termination of your tenancy You are required to give written notice to terminate your tenancy (using the Notice to Quit) form in your tenancy agreement (subject to terms of your tenancy agreement). If your tenancy is a fixed term type and unforseen circumstances arise requiring you to vacate prior to expiration of your agreement you need to contact Prime Rentals Ltd immediately so that we can endeavour to locate another suitable tenant. You are however responsible for rent until another suitable tenant is found as well as payment of the letting fee and all advertising costs. Please ensure that any other occupants in the property are aware of these facts.